I believe that the problem of Global Warming can and has been approached in two different ways. The emergence of Global Warming was communicated to the public by care communication. Care communication is defined by Lundgren and McMakin as communication about risks for which the danger and the way to manage it have already been well determined through scientific research that is accepted by most of the audience. Global warming is still a new idea not everyone has accepted it as a fact and is still referred to as a theory. I believe that care communication helped to get the public to acknowledge the issue. We already know what is causing the problem and how to solve it we just have to create enough awareness. However, now I believe Global Warming is being communicated through consensus communication and needs to be. In order for this problem to go away we need to have the participation of the audience. Care communication was just used to grab their attention and present the case. Now that a group of believers have reached the realization on the factual level consensus communication can now take place.
Consensus communication is defined by Lundgren and McMakin as risk communication to inform and encourage groups to work together to reach a decision about how the risk will be managed (prevented or mitigated). Global warming is an issue that needs to have participants. The audience and stakeholders need to be involved in order for this crisis to ever go away. Since the audience and stakeholders are also causing Global Warming they are truly the only ones that can make the problem go away. Public involvement is one of the only ways that Global Warming can be solved. The government can only do so much to try to stop it. Without the public’s support behind all the facts nothing will ever get accomplished.
Japan’s government has taken a stand and created a group called Ministry of the Environment this group holds meetings and has a calendar of events each month to encourage the prevention of global warming. Another group that has taken initiative to help solve this problem has a website called the Campus Climate Challenge. It is directed towards college students they have many ways in which you can get involved and list many petitions that you become a part of all benefiting the environment. Different scientists and environmental groups have taken a stand and have provided the public with solutions and opportunities to become involved. The government is slowing beginning to follow. Concensus communication is definately the most effective communication model that can communicate the problems and urgency of Global Warming.
(Photo by John LeGear)